Understanding the Reverse ASIN Results Table

After typing in the ASIN or the Product URL, you will find the Search Results Table which includes several keyword metrics that are helpful in finding new keywords to rank for.

Below, you will find some of the most important metrics that you have to look out for when doing your research:

1. Keyword - This column shows you a list of the keywords that are associated with the ASIN 

2. Organic Position - This is the ranking position of the keyword in organic Amazon Search Results

3. OS - Opportunity Score; OS reflects the ratio between demand, competition, and quality of listings. It is a number from 0-10, and a high score (8-10) indicates that this niche could be a great opportunity for sellers, while a low score (0-2) does the opposite.

4. SV - Search Volume based on Google searches, this helps you know how many people are searching for the keyword every month.

5. Total Products - It is helpful to know how many products are competing for the same keyword. Ideally, it is good to find a keyword that has good Opportunity Score and Search Volume, but with low competition.

6. Average Values - This shows the average values for the top ten listings in each specific keywords. Total Revenue shows the total monthly revenue of the top ten listings for a specific keyword.