Product Table

Once you set the filters and clicked on the Search button, you will then see the Product Table. The table shows all the products that match the filters you set.

Below, you will see the things you need to know in order to fully understand the results of your Database Research.

Understanding the Product Table

  1. Average Values - This is calculated based on the data for the products shown on each page. The values change if the number of items is updated.
  2. Number of products per page - This allows you to select the number of products displayed on each page. You can select the top 10, 25, 50, or 100. The Average Values on top will change, depending on the option you select.
  3. Amazon Product Page - You can click this button to be redirected to the Product Page in Amazon. This is helpful if you would like to find other information about the product which is not included in the product table.
  4. Refresh Product Data - You can refresh the data to see if there have been changes in the data. The products are generally scanned and updated on a daily basis, but it is also possible that the data may have already changed from the time you clicked on Search Results.
  5. Add to Product Tracker - If you are looking to gather more data for a specific product over time, you can click this button which automatically adds the item to your Product Tracker.
  6. Export Product Data - This allows you to export the data for your records. All search results will be included on the CSV file.
  • Pro Tip: You can also sort the results by Category(BSR), Price, Net, Weight, Sellers, Reviews, LQS, Sales/Month, and Revenue/Month. Just click the headers, and select if you would prefer to sort them by ascending or descending order: