Product Details Page Overview

The Product Details Page can be seen on the Product Tracker, Database Research, and Live Amazon Scanner. This page shows you more detailed information about the product, and the historical data of the product's metrics.

In this article, we will show you an overview of the Product Details Page, so you can easily understand and analyze the product you are looking to track/sell.

Related articles

  1. Live Amazon Scanner Overview
  2. Product Tracker Overview
  3. Database Research Overview

Navigating the Product Details Page

  • Product Information- This table shows you an overview of the most important product details, such as Price, No. of Sellers, Est. Monthly Sales, Revenue, BSR, and much more. You can also add the product to your tracker by simply clicking the +Add to Product Tracker button
  • Listing Optimization Tips - Just below the Product Information table, you will see the Listing Optimization tips. This includes a few tips on how you can improve the product listing on Amazon, such as modifying the Title, adding more images, etc.
  • Charts - After the Listing Optimization Tips, you will see several charts for the main metrics such as BSR, Est. Sales, Reviews, Price. This makes it easier for you to analyze and visualize the historical data of the product. You can select the timeframe from the drop-down and choose the period you'd like to analyze (7, 14, 30, or 90 days).
  • Category Ranking - This field shows a chart and table of the Category ranking, or for which Category the product is currently ranking.
  • Keyword Ranking - The Keyword Ranking shows for which keywords the product is ranking and the average position of each keyword. You can also export the keyword and position if you are looking to analyze your data in a csv file.
  • Icons - When you hover over each icon, you will see what it stands for. The "a" icon will bring you to the Amazon Search Page, while the orange arrow icon redirects you to Alibaba Search Page. You can also search for similar products by clicking the blue magnifying glass icon, or check Google Trends for that keyword.