Reverse ASIN Research Overview

The Reverse ASIN Research tool is one of the powerful tools that we offer. This tool helps you find organic search keywords for which the product has been ranking. This is especially helpful when checking competitor keywords, and understanding the value of each keyword in terms of sales, competitors, market demand, etc.

In this article, we'll introduce you to the Reveres ASIN Research tool and call out some of the features you'll be using most often. 

Related articles

  1. Understanding the Reverse ASIN Results Table
  2. Definition of Terms

Navigating the Reverse ASIN Research Tool

The Reverse ASIN Research tool can be located by clicking the Tools drop-down from the top of the member area: Let's go ahead and familiarize ourselves how the tool works:

To start your search, you just have to enter the product's BSR or the full product URL. Here is what your Search Results would look like:

  • Columns - The columns include important metrics that help you better understand the value of each keyword. You can also select which columns to display by clicking the list icon on the upper right corner of the results page. Each column values can also be sorted descending/ascending, by clicking the headers.
  • Export - You can also export your search results to a CSV file by clicking the download icon located on the top right corner of the results table 
  • Icons - The icons located in the rightmost corner of each keyword are shortcuts to different tools/page/websites which you might find useful:
    • Trash icon- this lets you delete the keyword from your search results, so you can filter out those that you think are not relevant.
    • Amazon icon - this icon redirects you to the Amazon Keyword Search Page and will show products that match the keyword in Amazon.
    • Search icon - this lets you search for products using the keyword in Live Amazon Scanner
    • Alibaba icon - this redirects you to Alibaba Search Page and will show products that match the keyword in Alibaba
    • Google Trend icon - this shows you Google Search Trend for the specific keyword over time.

Video Tutorial

Here's a short video showing how you can use the Reverse ASIN Research Tool and its functions.